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Deep within the heart of a dense and enchanted jungle of the Veraguas zone in Panama, stood a towering guardian, a witness to the flow of life, called the Spirit Tree, with its majestic form stretched towards the heavens, and its roots entwined with the very essence of the earth, whispering nature's secrets among his rustling leaves.

It was said that the jungle was not always a place of tranquility and peace. In its shadows, fear and discord lingered, casting a pall over the inhabitants. Creatures saw enemies lurking everywhere, and the harmony of the forest was threatened by the echoes of strife.

Aware of this plight, the Tree of Spirits sent out a silent call, a whisper carried by the wind, inviting those consumed by conflict and strain to seek solace beneath its boughs. And so, when their life had run its natural course, one by one, all creatures of the forest answered the call and embarked on a sacred journey to the Spirit Tree, drawn by an unseen force, guided by the gentle touch of Mother Nature herself.

Within the gentle embrace of its tender roots, departing souls found their essence merging with the life force of the Spirit Tree. As they became one, a profound transformation took hold. They saw with newfound clarity the interconnectedness of all life in the Jungle, binding its inhabitants with a new sense of unity.

In the fullness of time, the ancient guardian of the forest aged and weathered, also heard a call from the depths of the ocean. With a sense of wholeness, the Spirit Tree and all the souls within it began a gradual transformation. Slowly, imperceptibly, they melded into the very essence of water, their spirits flowing like currents through the vast expanse of the ocean.

In this final metamorphosis, the unity and wisdom that had once resided within the heart of the jungle found a new home in the depths of the sea, continuing their eternal journey of renewal and interconnectedness.

A testament to the power of transformation, unity, and the enduring beauty of life's eternal cycle.



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NFTs Mint proceeds splits 75% to the NGO ECO HOUSE and 10% to Referral Partners.